Elementor #373


Travelers Capital financed the acquisition of a net-new piece of specialized equipment for a Western Canadian forestry company that was depending on the asset to meet its substantial growth plans and work program. TC facilitated a quick close while also structuring an off-market down payment program to accommodate the Borrower’s immediate liquidity needs.


Travelers Capital arranged and underwrote a $12MM facility refinance and equity repatriation facility for an oil and gas service company based in Western USA. The company had experienced poor fiscal oversight and respectively poor financials results due to misguided management and disloyal executives, which eventually led to an accrual of several million of arrears to the IRS. By re-leveraging the company’s full fleet of construction and transportation equipment, the facility was to pay out the existing creditor, move the borrower into more affordable financing, and repatriate enough equity to repay their priority payables in full.

Specialty Asset Finance

Travelers Capital was able to underwrite a $1.25MM capex facility for a Midwestern USA start-up specializing in wood waste management. The borrower was in need of growth-capital to acquire a number of specialist carbonators to support near-term rapid growth from its recently procured large scale waste management contracts. TC was able to underwrite the net-new business with lacking historical financial statements by way of a supplemented corporate and personal guarantees as a credit enhancement.